What does my child need to bring on his/her first day of nursery?

    • Nappies
    • Wipes
    • Nappy cream
    • Teething gels or rings
    • Beaker or bottle (made up bottles if your baby is still on formula)
    • Comforters if required
    • Blanket for sleep time
    • Sun cream
    • Sunhat
    • Small bag with a change of clothes

We advise that all parents clearly labels their child’s belongings clearly with their names in full to ensure that their things do not get mixed up with other children’s belongings or even get misplaced.

Should I stay if my child is unsettled when I drop him/her off?

All children are individuals, as are all parents. What works for one family may not work for another, so we will discuss with you the best way to go about settling in your child.
We feel the handover period should be simple and as quick as possible, once your child has completed his/her initial settling in period. This will enable your child to establish a good routine.

What if I am late collecting my child?

In the unlikely event that you are unable to collect your child from the nursery at the agreed time and you have not informed us of any alternative arrangements then every attempt will be made to contact you. If we are unsuccessful then we will contact the nominated emergency contact person and request that they collect your child as soon as possible. A member of our staff will remain with your child until he/she is collected.

What can my child bring in from home?

We recommend that your child does not bring in toys or any other belongings from home. This can cause minor disputes over sharing with the other children and also things can easily be misplaced or damaged. However we will allow certain belongings such as comfort aids or books to aid activities but these should be handed over to a member of our staff. Please make sure all belongings are clearly labelled.

Can you toilet train my child?

We are happy to assist parents with their child’s toilet training if they are at the stage where we feel they are ready. Parents need to toilet train at home for 2 weeks before we can introduce it at nursery. We do suggest additional clothes are brought in, in case of any accidents.


Pull ups are very similar to nappies so we will not use them at nursery. If we feel your child is not ready to be toilet trained then we will request parents go back to using nappies. We will try toilet training your child again at a later date.

Will my child be safe and secure whilst at the nursery?

Great emphasis is placed security and nobody is allowed into our nursery if they are not known by any member of our staff. We also have an extensive CCTV system in operation to ensure maximum security.

How will I get feedback on my child’s day?

At the end of each day your child’s key person or a nominated member of staff will feed back information about activities and experiences that your child has been involved with during that day. For babies and younger children, information about sleep times, meal times and nappy changes will also be included.

What do I do if my child is ill?

If your child is unwell before they arrive we would urge you to keep them away from nursery until they are fit to return.
If your child becomes unwell whilst at nursery, a member of staff will inform you to come and collect your child. This will reduce infection spreading to the other children and keep illness to a minimum level.

Will you be able to administer medicine?

The nursery staff will be able to administer medications prescribed by your GP providing the medication is clearly labelled with the child’s name and relevant information.

Will you take children out for trips?

Occasionally we may go on trips that the children have shown an interest in i.e going to the park, shops or for short walks in the local area. By taking the children on these trips, this will help extend their learning and development. All trips will be planned for and parents/carers will always be advised before these trips occur.

Are my child’s fees payable if he/she is away from nursery?

Fees are still payable if your child is away from nursery due to sickness or away on holiday.

Dawlish Drive, Ruislip, Middlesex HA4 9SF
Tel: 01895 624111
Email: [email protected]